Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Top Ten Songs I'd Love Books For

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly feature created at The Broke and The Bookish.

I kind of feel like I'd like to see something inspired by these songs... I'm not really sure why. I enjoy taking songs literally, and adding magic to everything. So there's that.

1. Angels by Within Temptation: Justly entitled revenge story plus magic because magic.

2. Joan by Heather Dale: Joan of Arc retelling? Joan of Arc historical fiction? I don't know, either works.

3. Blinding by Florence and the Machine: Possibly because I'm never 100% sure what this song is about, I'd like a book about it.

4. Faith and Science by The Script: Maybe this could be a contemporary? Maybe I would actually read it?

5. The Night by School of Seven Bells: I would definitely need monsters in this one. This is more a song I can picture playing in the background of a scene probably involving a portal to another dimension.

6. The Call by Regina Spektor: Someone who has to return to the magical world they saved and then had to leave. Because it needs saving again. "WHY CAN'T IT JUST STAY SAVED?" They yell, while secretly delighted to be heading off to said magical world again, because algebra is just boring.

7. How Far We've Come by Matchbox 20: Mostly for the line "waking up at the start of the end of the world."

8. Something Beautiful by NeedToBreath: Somehow this seems like it would be interesting for a book including both artists on some sort of surrealism? Something with surreal elements pulled into the real world?

9. Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars: You really have to ask? It's epic!

10. Losing Your Memory by Ryan Star: Apparently this is from Vampire Diaries? Huh. Who knew. Oh well, I'm appropriating it for this list. Something set in a world where memory loss is common, maybe? (Taking this song literally, because reasons.)


  1. The Call is such a great song! Every time I hear it, I think about Narnia! :) Great Top Ten!
    My TTT! :)
    Vampire Academy Series Review.

    1. It was at the end of one of the Narnia movies... Prince Caspian, right?

  2. Kings and Queens, OMG YES! I love this song! Great choices

    Check out our TTT & enter this box of ARCs + movie swag giveaway!

    Leydy @ Once Upon A Twilight

    1. It is pretty great. I don't know if it meant literal kings and queens, but... it works for me!

  3. King and Queens IS epic!! So is The Script!

    Listen to our TTT @ Lazy Book Lovers!

    1. I tend to be hit and miss with The Script, but they have a couple of songs that I really like!

  4. Great list! I love 30 Seconds to Mars.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. 30 Seconds to Mars is pretty great. Kings and Queens actually isn't my favourite song by them, but it is the one that I though of when brainstorming songs that needed a story...

  5. Love How Far We've Come and would be totally excited to see what kind of book it'd be. Something Beautiful is a great song and I'd be very interested in your idea - which is something I never thought of for the song. Finally, Kings and Queens would be awesome for a fantasy story. Great ideas!

    My TTT

    1. I blame it on a really lovely video someone made using Something Beautiful and clips from Studio Ghibli films... hence the surreal.

  6. oooo Something Beautiful would make a great book! Love your idea! My TTT

    1. It's one of those songs that just has a fairly intense overall atmosphere for me, which I'd love to see in book form.
